
Anybody who made a substantial contribution to the research or the preparation of a manuscript will be included as an author on the resulting manuscript. Whether or not work done qualifies as a (substantial) contribution will be determined by Dr. Evelien Bunnik.

The responsibilities of authorship include approval of the submitted version of the manuscript (and any substantially modified version) and agreeing to be personally accountable for your own contribution as well as ensuring that questions related to the accuracy or integrity of any part of the work, even those in which you were not personally involved, are appropriately investigated and resolved.

The Bunnik lab uses the common first-last-author-emphasis norm to assign the order of authorship. The order depends on the contribution of the author while simultaneously valuing the first and last position of the authorship order most. The first author is the person who contributed most to the work (experiments and writing) and who is expected to draft the first version of the manuscript. The last author is the person who conceptualized and supervised the work. 

The order of authors between the first and last position is determined by contribution in a descending order. Having additional “first” authors (“co-first authors”) is possible when two (or more) authors contributed equally. The author who was most involved in conceptualization or did most experiments will be listed first on a manuscript with co-first authors. If these contributions are equal, priority will be given to those who wish to pursue a career in academia. As a last resort, order will be decided by a coin toss. 

When collaborating with colleagues outside of the Bunnik lab, having multiple “last” authors is possible as well. If a manuscript is still in preparation or revision when an author leaves the lab, that person is expected to continue to contribute to finalizing the manuscript.

Author contributions will be specified in the manuscript. The following contributor roles (adapted from Contributor Roles Taxonomy or CReDiT) are used: conceptualization, funding acquisition, performing experiments, data visualization, statistical analysis, writing the original draft, editing the manuscript, project administration, providing resources, programming or software development, and supervision.

All authors are required to use the ORCİD persistent digital identifier. An ORCID ID is a free, unique, open digital identifier that distinguishes you from every other researcher with the same or a similar name to you. 

San Antonio, TX  |  2024